Washington United Youth Center receives $50,000 from The Mercury News grant

Proudly displaying the check are WUYC staff and participants (left to right): Isaiah Rivera, Lonise Iese, Cheryl Espino, Monica Bravo, and Tre Collins.

Washington United Youth Center (WUYC) received a $50,000 grant from The Mercury News as part of the media outlet’s Holiday Wish Book initiative in 2023. Thanks to generous community donations, the Center received $5,000 more than the originally requested funding amount of $45,000. Funding will go towards equipping a new computer lab since computer literacy is a core competency for advancement in education and career opportunities among youth served through the WUYC. Since 1983, Wish Book has helped those in need in the South Bay and Santa Cruz County by publishing their “Wishes” — an in-depth account of their hopes and struggles — in The Mercury News during the holiday season. Readers responded generously with donations that helped people and the organization involved. Catholic Charities is honored to have been selected multiple times in the 41 years of the Wish Book. 


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