Family Centers
Due to the decline in funding for First 5 from the Proposition 10 Tobacco Tax, we will be closing 6 Family Resource Centers. Please click here to find out when and which Centers will be closed.
Sherman Oaks will be closing, and click here to find out more information.
Family Resource Centers (FRC)
The Family Resource Center Initiative (FRC) is a regional place-based strategy that provides families with children prenatal through age 5, promotion, prevention and early intervention information, resources, support and activities to ensure they have the skills and capacity to promote their children’s development.
The FRCI strategy ensures children are ready for school, builds strong family relationships, and creates connected schools and communities.
The FRCs are community-based, family-friendly, and culturally sensitive to ensure families have access to safe and welcoming places to seek support and services before difficulties arise, as well as during critical times of need. Programs and services are provided in the FRCs as well as in other venues throughout Santa Clara County that are accessible to families, family child care providers, early care educators, and the community at large.
Referral Sources
Referrals are not required.
Walk-ins are welcome.
Program Eligibility
Children 0-17
How to Register
Check the Family Resource Center activities near you. Call to register or walk in.
Prenatal, infant support and enrichment
New Beginnings
Baby & Me program is designed to nurture a loving relationship between caregiver and baby (0-24 months) by engaging together in music & movement activities. Music and movement provide children with many benefits. They help children develop skills such as cognitive growth, problem-solving, self-expression, and social development. It is a supportive and reflective time for caregivers to share their greatest joys and hardships of parenting.
BabyCare Workshop
The Baby Care series is perfect for anyone caring for a brand new baby. Caregivers learn basic skills for newborn care through instructional videos and demonstrations. It promotes loving relationships by engaging together in music & movement activities and other bonding opportunities.
It is an early childhood development program focused on movement and music for children ages 0 to 3 years, to attend with their music-loving (Zumba loving!) caregiver(s). Class is fun, energetic, and full of contemporary music with world beats. It is child appropriate, grown-up friendly, and of course, full of the “Zumba” flavor. Children learn to dance, sing, and move through class using their bodies, rhythmic instruments, and scarves, to enhance the rhythm and feel of the music.
Family Resource Centers offers Early education activities designed for families with toddlers and preschoolers (25-60 months) to develop the cognitive, gross motor, fine motor, language, and social-emotional skills they need to be ready for kindergarten. Some of the activities are as followed:
Toddler, preschool support and enrichment
Art Enrichment classes
In addition to learning artistic techniques, they develop many valuable soft skills, perseverance, confidence in social situations, acceptance of critical feedback, direction following, task based interaction with others, pride of accomplishment.
STEAM and Sensory Workshops
Kids thrive with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math activities (STEM) activities. Hands-on learning that applies to the world around us. STEM activities build and teach creativity, problem-solving, life skills, ingenuity, resourcefulness, patience, and curiosity. STEM is what will shape the future as our world grows and changes. Whether it be in the successes or learning through failures, STEM and sensory workshops challenge kids to expand their horizons, experiment, problem-solve, and accept failure as a means to success.
Gardening and Cooking Workshops
Gardening and cooking helps to connect kids with food, gives them a better understanding of where their food comes from and introduces them to a world of new flavors, foods and skills that they'll use throughout their lives.
Developmental And Social-Emotional Screenings (ASQ/ASQ:SE)
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ) for parents determines their child’s developmental progress and identifies any areas of concern. Developmental areas screened by the ASQ include communication, gross motor, fine motor, personal-social emotional and problem solving skills. Children requiring additional support in any developmental area are referred to the FIRST 5 System of Care for additional support services. ASQ screenings are available for children under the age of 6.
Caregiver/Parent Education Workshops
Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors Workshop
Abriendo Puertas is a comprehensive training program developed and designed by, and for, Latino parents with children ages 0-5. The program strives to improve the lives of Latino children across several outcome areas, including: education, health, and social and emotional well-being.
SEEDS of Early Literacy Workshop
SEEDS is an early literature workshop for parents with children under 6 years of age. Parents learn effective methods for interacting with their child and promoting the social and emotional development of language and literature.
Positive Parenting Program (Triple P)
This program is open to all parents, grandparents and caregivers of children ages 0-12. The Positive Parenting Program (Triple P) provides parents and caregivers with useful strategies and simple tips that assist them in managing common behavior problems and building strong, healthy relationships
24/7 Dad
24/7 Dad is a comprehensive fatherhood program designed to help men improve their parenting skills and fathering knowledge. The program focuses on building self-awareness, self-caring, and parenting, fathering, and relationship skills
Raising A Reader Plus
Interactive workshop for caregivers with children 0-5 years of age. Family friendly versions of research-based practices that will support book sharing at home. Raising A Reader’s award-winning DVD Read Aloud: Share a Book with Me (translated into 14 languages) enables caregivers to listen to other caregivers who face the challenges of sharing books with children…and how they overcame them. http://www.raisingareader.org/
Bridge Library (SJPL)
Stop by at any of our FRC bridge libraries and read about magical castles or find out what happens if you give a mouse a cookie! The best part? No library cards are required! Take your favorite book home with you and return again for another one.
ParentChild+ /ParentChild+ Dual Language Learning
ParentChild+ focuses on Early Intervention services for children between the ages of 16 months to 3 years and prepares them for preschool/kindergarten. The program provides free educational books and toys through 30-minute bi-weekly home visits and focuses on language development, literacy skills, and healthy attachments. In the ParentChild+ DLL program, there is an emphasis on Dual Language learning, and all the material is offered in the native language and English.
Vary, but may include: Zumba, Zumba Kids, Yoga, Family Yoga and Tumbling
Engagement and Enrichment Classes
Arts and Enrichment
STEM and Sensory
Gardening and Cooking
Raising A Reader (RAR)
Older Adult Services
We build family well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with children and the adults in their lives together. Providing opportunities to seniors, grandparents, aunties, uncles, and 50+ individuals looking to give back in many ways to share their talents and get involved in the community. The three generation approach centers on the whole family to create a legacy of educational success and economic prosperity that passes from one generation to the next.
BE Strong Parent Cafes
In collaboration with the Department of Family and Children's Services (DFCS) and Be Strong Families, Parent Cafe allows parents to build leadership and community through a series of 6 Cafes. Parent Cafes are a peer-to-peer learning process that promote individual self-reflection, builds on the Five Strengthening Families protective Factors, enhances community and fosters meaningful relationships.
Information & Referral Services
Referral Sources: Referrals are not required. Walk-ins are welcome. A trained Community Worker is available to answer any questions and to assist with information and/or referrals you may need (e.g., food programs, adult health clinics, and child health insurance such as Medi-Cal and Healthy Kids). The child development area is also open for families to come play with their children in an unstructured, FUN environment.
Volunteer Program
FMCI thrives on promoting Economic Development. It provides a purpose, training, and opportunities to learn skills and promotes the healthy development of the community. We have year-round several volunteer opportunities tied with the stipend program. We also support all local /small vendors and businesses.
Locations and Activities
George Shirakawa Sr. Family Resource Center
665 Wool Creek Dr, San Jose, CA 95112
(408) 549-4512
Luther Burbank Family Resource Center
4 Wabash Ave #11, San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 903-4673
Seven Trees Family Resource Center
3975 Mira Loma Way, San Jose, CA 95111
(408) 476-6788
Sherman Oaks Family Resource Center
1800 Fruitdale Ave Building B, San Jose, CA 95128
(408) 364-4200 x 4993
Events & Activities - Transition families to Luther Burbank 06/06/24
Evergreen Family Resource Center
2025 Clarice Dr. B-6, San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 270-6752
Captain Jason Dahl Family Resource Center
3200 Water St., Bldg P-2, San Jose,CA 95111
(408) 396-8301
Events & Activities - Closing 06/28/24
San Miguel Family Resource Center
777 San Miguel Ave Room 5, Sunnyvale, CA 94085
(408) 522-8200 x1890
Events & Activities - Closing 06/28/24
Cureton Family Resource Center
3620 Hills Dr # 1, San Jose, CA 95127
(408) 928-7390
Events & Activities - Closing 08/15/24
Josephine Guerrero Family Resource Center
1300 Edsel Dr, Portable #2, Milpitas, CA 95035
(408) 635-2662 x1637
Edenvale Family Resource Center (Satellite Site)
330 Branham Ln E, San Jose, CA 95111
(408) 396-8301
Hubbard Family Resource Center
1680 Foley Ave, San Jose, CA 95122
(408) 928-7725
Events & Activities - Closing 08/15/24