Press Room

Latest News

For Media Inquiries:

LaDonn R. DuBois
Mobile/Text: (408) 799-5541

Latest News

03/10/25 - Center for Healthcare Center - Opening a Window into Health and Homeless Services Integration in Santa Clara County

03/04/25 - Senator Cortese Office - Unhoused Health Fair (Video)

01/04/25 - Silicon Valley Business Journal - Don Taylor Hired at Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County

01/24/25 - CCSCC - Advocating for Immigrant Rights and Building Compassionate Communities

12/04/24 - NBC - Bay Area organizations give Christmas Trees to South Bay families

10/24/24 - Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Celebrates The Grand Opening of Rotary Mobile Medical Clinic

10/21/24- Fresno Bee - San Jose Rotary unveils mobile medical clinic to serve vulnerable populations

10/20/24 - Mercury News - San Jose Rotary unveils mobile medical clinic to serve vulnerable populations

10/17/24 - Telemundo - Clínica móvil ofrece servicios médicos gratis para residentes del condado Santa Clara

09/25/24 - Gilroy Dispatch - Gilroy kicks it with the ‘Quakes

09/21/24 - ABC 7 News - San Jose Police Department hosts 'Trust Fair' to bring together community

09/04/24 - Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Appoints New CEO as Gregory Kepferle Retires

07/17/24 - Musically Fed to Donate to Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County all unused meals from Rolling Stone’s Hackney Diamonds ’24 Tour Concert at Levi’s Stadium!

05/23/24 - KQED - Several Family Resource Centers to Close Across Santa Clara County

05/23/24 - Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County Announces Loss of Funding for Family Resource Centers Due to Decline in Tobacco Tax Revenue

05/15/24 - Telemundo - Caridades Católicas ofrece alimentos gratis para familias en el condado Santa Clara

03/20/24 - Media alert - Grand Opening: Seniors Affordable Housing in South San Jose | Program

02/23/24 - Silicon Valley Business Journal - 100% affordable housing project to break ground in Mountain View

02/22/24 - Mountain View Voice - Five-story affordable housing project breaks ground in Mountain View

02/20/24 - Los Alto Town Crier - Affordable housing set for MV development

12/01/23 - NAMI News - A Tool to Ensure Safe Shared Housing for Mental Health Clients

09/11/23 - Linkedin - Lions at Work: Lulu B. ('27)

09/04/23 - The Examine - San Jose Christo Rey Jesuit High School - Lions at Work: Lulu B. ('27)

08/11/23- The Valley Catholic - It is the Poor Who Will Save Us

05/28/23 - Mercury News - Milpitas ceremony honors families for Raising a Reader

06/01/23 - NBC Bay Area - New Housing Coming to San Jose

05/25/23 - Univision 14 San Francisco KDTV | Univision - Esto pueden hacer tus hijos en las vacaciones en el Área de la Bahía

05/03/23 - ABC 7 News - Organizations like Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County are in desperate need of toy donations

05/02/23 - Telemundo 48 - Organizaciones se unen para recolectar juguetes para niños de familias agricultoras en Gilroy

05/02/23 - NBC Bay Area - Toy Drive for South Bay Farmworkers' Children in Need of Donations

05/02/23 - FOX2 KTVU - Toy drive for Bay Area farmworker families off to slow start

04/22/23 - NBC Bay Area - Bay Area Cities Celebrate Earth Day with Trash Pick-Up Events

03/30/23 - SCU Leavey School of Business - Community Fellows Blog Posts - Maggie Walter: The Many Benefits of a Business Degree

03/30/23 - Telemundo 48 - Bancos de comida resisten la falta de voluntarios en el condado Santa Clara

03/29/23 - KNTV/NBC - Santa Clara County Charity Needs Volunteers for Food Distribution

03/10/23 - Telemundo 48 - Inmigrantes en Estados Unidos que huyeron por la violencia ahora no tienen dónde vivir

02/08/23 - First Tee Silicon Valley - First Tee – Silicon Valley Outreach in  12 Schools

12/07/22 - ABC 7 News - San Jose nonprofit helps stuff stockings for children of farmworkers

11/28/22 - NBC Bay Area - Giving Tuesday: How to Help Santa Clara Catholic Charities

11/1/15/22 - Press Release - Charities Housing - Westwood Re-Grand Opening

07/25/22 - Univision - ¿No te alcanza para comer? Caridades Católicas ofrece alimentos gratis en el condado de Santa Clara

07/15/22 - Univision - Escasez de voluntarios afecta a bancos de comida en el condado Santa Clara

07/14/22 - Telemundo 48 - “Temimos por nuestras vidas”: familia hispana pasa una odisea al cruzar la frontera para llegar a la Bahía

03/24/22 - Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc. - USCIS Agrees to Restore Path to Permanent Residency for TPS Beneficiaries

03/18/22 - San Jose Spotlight - San Jose’s Darlene Tenes makes sure farmworkers are appreciated

01/18/22 - KCBS Radio: On-Demand - California's rental assistance program struggling to keep pace

01/10/22 - Silicon Valley Business Journal - América Gomez - Managing Director of CORAL at Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County