Thank You From The CEO
Recently I’ve had the opportunity to visit some of Catholic Charities ‘ services at different parishes. I witnessed generous parish and community volunteers working alongside Catholic Charities’ team members responding to the urgent needs of our neighbors. Hundreds of hungry neighbors continue to drive through parish parking lots to pick up groceries to feed their families, even as they struggle to find work and to pay off debts incurred to pay the rent. I witnessed people seeking advice and support in how to apply for assistance to cover their back rents getting help through our Emergency Programs and Housing Services, and those seeking legal advice on immigration getting help from our experienced Immigration Legal Services team. I’ve witnessed the strong partnerships of Catholic Charities with Gardner Family Health, Second Harvest Silicon Valley and Martha’s Kitchen.
From the mustard seed beginning of Parish Engagement two years ago at Our Lady of Refuge, to the branching tree today of Catholic Charities’ collaboration with parishes from Gilroy to Mountain View, Catholic Charities’ banners now fly at multiple parish sites letting people know that help is here. Many thanks to the pastors, parish staff, and parish and community volunteers for responding to their neighbors’ urgent immediate needs for food, housing and vaccinations, and for accompanying them to navigate the benefits and services to address issues of poverty, mental illness, past due rent, hunger, unemployment, and the pandemic.
It truly “takes a village” to address poverty. It takes a multi-strand approach to alleviate, reduce, and ultimately prevent poverty—from food, housing, education, healthcare, legal assistance, jobs, and economic security to a sense of self-agency and belonging to a community with the power to change its future. All of these are possible through our work with parishes and local communities, even in the midst of the pandemic as Catholic Charities continues to change lives for good.
We are so grateful for our donors and volunteers for what you have made possible.
We invite new friends to join us in our work by investing through Catholic Charities into our local communities by donating, volunteering, and advocating.
Stay tuned for some exciting updates on our community-based programs that work to disrupt poverty.
All the best,
Gregory R. Kepferle CEO, Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County