Meet Gabriela Fuentes: Former CORAL Student, Now a CORAL Site Manager
CORAL Site Manager Gabriela Fuentes and CORAL students
For Gabriela Fuentes, the CORAL after-school, extended-learning program has been a part of her life for more than 18 years.
Her CORAL journey began as a kindergartener at Daniel Lairon School and then continued in middle school at Sylvandale’s CORAL program. In 2018, Gabriela was hired to be a CORAL After-School Instructor (CASI) at her former elementary school, Daniel Lairon. In 2021, because of her leadership, she became the CORAL Site Manager there.
At CORAL, Gabriela received help with reading and homework and also had opportunities to participate in many other enrichment and recreational activities. Her academics improved along with her self-esteem. And these experiences influenced her future career. Currently a student at San Jose State University, Gabriela plans to receive her education credentials and come back to teach at Daniel Lairon.
Gabriela says: “It is very rewarding to do a full circle within my community. I am super thankful for the opportunities CORAL has given me. I love passing my positive experiences on to our current CORAL students.”
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