Board Member Profile: Laura Garcia

Laura Garcia

Laura Garcia, a Catholic Charities Board Member and Development Committee Member 

What was your initial connection to Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County?

Being in the TV news business for years in Silicon Valley, I’ve covered many stories about

Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County, from distributing meals, to providing housing, to working tirelessly in servicing those most in need.

Catholic Charities has always been at the forefront of positive news stories. Last year I was approached by Chief Development Officer Susan Lucas Taylor to actually BE involved in Catholic Charities. I was humbled, I was honored, and I jumped at the chance! I wasn’t going to just be telling stories about Catholic Charities, I was going to be able to be involved in making a difference!

Is there one area of Catholic Charities community programming that is most meaningful to you?

Catholic Charities is disrupting poverty in Silicon Valley, creating pathways to hope and opportunity for many. I love to learn about the transformative programs that Catholic Charities works on – day in and day out – in our community. I especially love the programs that aid families and children. This Christmas I helped to organize a toy drive for children served through numerous Catholic Charities programs. It started with a biker group with a surplus of toys they didn’t know where to take, and I connected them with Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County. Thousands and thousands of children received toys, bikes, and gifts they would have never received. It brought joy to all involved, and now it’s going to be a yearly tradition!

What is your personal mission of giving back, and what issues are you passionate about?

I was recently visiting my 89-year-old father in the Central Valley. I found myself in his home office, which my mom decorated, looking at the countless plaques that adorned his walls. I stepped back and really took note of all the accolades of involvement he had in his community throughout the years: hospital boards, church financial boards, volunteer activities, charity events, and more. His wall was filled with recognition for his non-profit work! Then I stopped to realize I am who I am because of him. He never boasted about his involvement, he just acted, and as a child, I grew up learning this through his example. I now give my time because he gave his. He set up a pattern of serving in his life and leading by example. I’m happy to follow in his footsteps, and I’m thrilled to be working with Catholic Charities. I hope to lead by example for my own children. In giving, you truly receive.

Why would you encourage others to support Catholic Charities and get involved in our mission?

I can’t sing the praises enough of the good works Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County offers to our community. We have a lot of wealth in this valley, and there are so many ways to give: time, talent, and charity. Imagine being a part of breaking the cycle of poverty for others and truly giving them a pathway to self-sufficiency. I guarantee if you do, you too, will find the greatest joy that you’ve made a difference to others.


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