Parish Engagement Program ‘A Guiding Light for Communities in Need’
Rev. Hugo Rojas
By The Rev. Hugo Rojas, Pastor of Our Lady of Refuge Parish
Four years after the opening of the Catholic Charities Parish Engagement Program in Our Lady of Refuge Parish, I can gratefully say that the most valuable part of our partnership is the rediscovering in our community of one of the essential aspects of the gospel, the service and love to the little ones. They are simply in the heart and mind of Jesus Christ as precious gifts from his Father, and this is beautifully described by Jesus in the memorable teaching called “The Beatitudes.”
Catholic Charities—through the weekly community market it offers to more than 400 families in our midst and other remarkable services to immigrants, homeless people and those who need medical assistance— embodies the core of the gospel and is a living expression of the heart of Jesus. In the heart of charitable efforts, Catholic Charities finds its guiding light in the profound teachings of Jesus Christ found in the Gospel and particularly, in the transformative words of the Beatitudes. These sacred teachings encapsulate the essence of love, compassion, and social justice—principles that resonate deeply with the mission and work of Catholic Charities.
Parish Engagement Program was from the beginning in the fall of 2019 an inspiration to many of our parishioners to become more involved in social ministries, not only providing food, but also:
• becoming active in our mission of creating transformational change for our global human family,
• addressing the systemic causes of global poverty through advocacy, and
• developing relationships with their members of Congress, visiting their members’ offices and writing letters to them raising the profile of pivotal issues like forced migration and malnutrition.
In essence, the parish engagement program of Catholic Charities is a living testament to the Gospel and the Beatitudes. Through love, compassion, social justice, and unwavering faith, the organization not only provides practical support but also nurtures the human spirit, embodying the teachings of Jesus Christ and becoming a guiding light for communities in need.
Finally, I would like to share with you something that deeply touched my heart. One of the people who was supported and received services through the community market is an oil painting artist, Jeimy Amaya. As an expression of gratitude for the help she received for her and her family when they most needed it in the middle of the pandemic, she donated to our parish two oil paintings that now decorate the sanctuary of our church: one of the oil paintings is the image of Our Lady of Refuge and the other one is the Divine Mercy image. For me it is a tremendous act of gratitude and a powerful sign of appreciation to the church for positively impacting her life.
Read more about the artist and her story at
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At Catholic Charities sites around the county, we are offering families more than just a one-time, single service. Our goal is to provide families a path to achieve economic mobility and tools to help left themselves out of poverty. And we are with them on their journeys every step of the way.